

Mandy Greer

Mandy Greer creates installations and pieces of fashion art portraying “mystically driven and darkly beautiful” worlds, the studied chaos of entanglements at once symbolic and material, and deals with motherhood, eroticism, human relations to nature, and mythology in her intricate works.

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Irina Ionesco

Irina Ionesco is a French-Romanian photographer who began exhibiting her work in the mid-1970s. Her photography is dark, dramatic, erotic, and strongly evocative of a vintage aesthetic, with lots of influence from the 1920s, reflecting the lavishly ornamental tendencies of that period, feathers, furs, headdresses, and all, with its vampish, sexy yet macabre vibe.

Irina’s images of her daughter, Eva Ionesco, were very controversial, as you can probably imagine. In these, the prepubescent Eva is displayed in an array of nude, erotic, and bondage-inspired poses, with an intense gaze, a seeming precocious knack for modeling, and a weird, Lolita-esque allure. I find these photos to be some of Ionesco’s most interesting work, however.

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“The Exorcism of…” by Anti Sweden

I love the movement in this film, the dark, wild kinetic energy. Directed by Marius Tharaldsen and modeled by Vilde Victoria Madsen, for design agency Anti’s newly launched black denim line, “Anti Sweden.” Inspired by the Norwegian “culture of darkness” and the spirit of black metal’s aesthetics.


Una Burke’s Medical Armor

Una Burke’s Re.Treat is a conceptual collection of artwear inspired by prosthetic devices and medical braces and the process of healing from trauma. The warrior-like body armor is reminiscent of medical corsetry, and evokes the idea of using human flesh as a shield against psychological harm. The means of protection also become a means of entrapment, binding the body tightly. She cites a few of her influences as Hans Bellmer, Alexander McQueen, and Erwin Olaf.