

Age of the Succubus: Nona Limmen

I love the hazy, dreamily melancholy photography of Nona Limmen. The poetic vintage graininess, the doubling/multiplying and blurry transposition of imagery, shadowy and ethereal atmosphere, and ritualistic poses all create a soft world of arcane magic, the sphere of an almost nostalgic occultism: a folkloric vision that looks as if it has been translated through the lens of classic and beloved cinema.

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Clockwork Angels: The Art of Masaaki Sasamoto

The glowing paintings of Masaaki Sasamoto are drenched with gold and a mellow, old-world radiance. Butterflies, fairies and other mythical beings, girl-automatons with exposed machinery, flowers, winged seraphic figures, are common motifs in his work. The mildly serene and rather enigmatically inexpressive smiles of his subjects seem to emanate a nature half-deity, half-doll. Sasamoto combines traditional Japanese techniques with modern aesthetics in a unique, luminous, memorable style that evokes antiquity, a fantastical air, an atmosphere slightly surreal and wondrously airy yet rich.

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